Our Second Voyage is About to Embark!
The TOS Homeschool Crew is ready
to set sail on its 2nd adventure!
Would you like to join us?
Last summer, TOS launched what would become one of our most exciting adventures to date--the Homeschool Crew. The Crew set sail for a year of fun and hard work, reviewing products from fifty different homeschool vendors. If you haven't seen our blog, check it out now--it's like a "convention in a blog", with information about many homeschool products (including websites, pictures, and plenty of reviews)!
Maybe you've heard about the Crew and wondered how you could become a part of it. Would you like to become a part of our exclusive group of reviewers--sharing your opinion on hot homeschool products via your blog, online support group, or homeschool newsletter? Do you have what it takes to be selected as the "cream of the crop" for this year? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then this e-mail is for you!
The Homeschool Crew = Focus Group
The Internet is busy with homeschoolers talking, sharing, and networking. It is natural to recommend our favorite homeschool resources, products, books, and more. We love to share!
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, is embarking on our second exclusive "whisper campaign" with up to seventy-five ofour magazine advertisers. You can help us start out as a whisper and end in a roar, known as "viral marketing." Are you game to be part of it?
MarketResearchTerms.com defines viral marketing as: The effective way of advertising or producing brand exposure through social networks. The technique spreads throughout the network rapidly by word of mouth or by Internet resources like e-mail, blogs, or other services. Like a virus, it replicates and spreads quickly.
I want to join--how do I sign up?
TOS is looking for 100 blogging, emailing, cyber talking, home educating parents for this exclusive group and will begin the screening process for the top 100 very soon.
We are inviting 75 of our best advertisers to take part in this special viral marketing program. These exclusive advertisers are going to send you a selection of their hottest products to try.
Your job as a Crew member is to thoroughly use the products in your homeschool. Then, blog about them, email, tell your online groups, and get the information out, helping us go viral. Not only do you get to use the product but it is a free gift, for being part of the focus group!
If you are a support group leader, then you should send out information about some of the focus group items to your support groups. Additionally, support group leaders are asked to take some of these exclusive products with them to physical meetings, and do a "Show and Tell," sharing their experiences with the items they are reviewing with their groups. The more you write, blog, and share about the items, the more fun you have, and the more viral this campaign goes!
It all works quite simply . . .
The accepted vendors will ship the select products you are to review directly to you. Naturally, they will send you catalogs and brochures. If this viral marketing campaign is to work, they need you to become intimately familiar with the items they send you. Use them. Think of yourself as a lab worker--thoroughly testing, studying, and then writing about your findings.
Is this the same as a TOS Reviewer? No. You will be a special independent reviewer exclusively for the Homeschool Crew. TOS will put you in touch with these companies. You will provide the homeschool community with an independent review and analysis of the products you use!
Do you get paid? No. You are, just like a regular reviewer, simply agreeing to test products and write about them on your blogs, within your newsletters, and through emails to homeschooling friends. You recommend your favorite books and restaurants; now you can recommend wonderful products specifically for the homeschool community!
You should also verbally/physically share your thoughts about these products with friends at park days, at your support meetings, whether you are a leader or not, and just in any other day-to-day contact with homeschool friends. Because you'll have company contact information such as website addresses, toll free numbers, etc.--due to all the support materials sent to you by the companies--you should include this information in your reviews and emails so that others visiting your blogs or lists can go check out the products for themselves.
Our goal is to get as much information out about each product reviewed as we can, and into the hands of as many homeschoolers as we can. This is the viral part!
I'm ready! Where do I sign up?
In order to be considered for a spot on the Homeschool Crew, you will be required to download some of our products and write a review of them. If you are a blogger, you can simply send us a link to your blog post(s) containing your reviews.
In order to download your free items for review, please follow the instructions below:
The first item for you to review is our newest E-Book, HomeWork. To receive your copy, go to this link and follow the instructions below:
1. Click the "Add this to my cart" button.
2. Log in to your account (or create one, if you haven't already).
3. At check out, select the Paypal® option. To select this you click on a little circle to the right of the word Paypal®.
4. Enter the code FREEHOMEWORK (all caps) in the "Redemption Code" space.
5. Then, click the CONTINUE button. At this point, the order total should be zero.
6. Click CONTINUE again.
7. You will see the free download link.
8. Click the link to proceed with the download of HomeWork.
The second item we would like for you to review is our newest E-Book line--WeE-books. Currently, we have 30 WeE-books available for download. We would appreciate it if you would review our WeE-book line, in general, by downloading 3 WeE-books of your choice. You may see the entire line here.
Select the three you would like to receive, then follow these instructions:
1. Add each individual WeE-book (up to 3) by clicking the "Add this to my cart" button on each page.
2. At check out, select the Paypal® option. To select this you click on a little circle to the right of the word Paypal®.
3. Enter the codes: FREEWEEBOOK1, FREEWEEBOOK2, and FREEWEEBOOK3 (all caps) in the "Redemption Code space.
4. Then, click the CONTINUE button. At this point, the order total should be zero.
5. Click CONTINUE again.
6. You will see the free download link.
7. Click the link to proceed with your one-year FREE subscription.
Again, we ask that you review both the HomeWork E-Book and WeE-book line. When your reviews are complete, please send a link to your post to hstrawser@thehomeschoolmagazine.com. If your review is not a blog post, please include the text of your review, let us know where you shared it, and with approximately how many people.
Also, we ask that you complete the demographic form below as follows. Cut and paste all the information that appears below the dotted line into the email you send to Heidi upon completion of your reviews. Insert your answers under the questions, and then initial under each of the four conditions. Again, both reviews and the completed form must be emailed to Heidi by April 30th.
Enjoy your free downloads . . . and we're looking forward to reading some really great reviews!
TOS Focus Group Demographic Form
Full name:
Email Address:
How many children do you homeschool?
Please share their grade levels and genders.
What is your preferred method of homeschooling? (textbook, eclectic, unschooling, etc.)
Where do you plan to spread the word about the products you'll be reviewing? If you plan to share on your blog or website, please include the web url. If you are posting to an online group, or mailing list, please include the name of the group, and the approximate number of members.
Approximately how many people will see your reviews?
Please read each paragraph below. If you understand and agree with each statement, please add your initials after each paragraph.
If you are among the 100 participants selected, your name, address, email address, phone number and other contact information will be shared with the participating vendors so that they can send products to you.The vendors may want to email you, or talk to you by phone about their products--and there may be up to 75 of them. There may be less, but there will not be more than 75. We anticipate that the project will last about one year.
1. If you are among the 100 participants selected, your name, address, email address, phone number, and other contact information will be shared with the participating vendors so that they can send products to you.
2. The vendors may want to email you or talk to you by phone about their products--and there may be up to 75 of them. There may be less, but there will not be more than 75. We anticipate that the project will last about one year.
3. Several of the products you will be asked to review may be E-Books or other downloadable products or website services. There will be some physical products, but at this point we cannot guarantee the mix of products that any individual participant will receive.
4. TOS reserves the right to use all or part of what you write about any product in our print magazine, or in other TOS venues or marketing materials. We will always credit you by name, and where possible include your blog address. Please note that this applies to anyone doing a review, not only the final 100 participants.
5. The Homeschool Crew is a subsidiary of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine LLC, and is not to be duplicated in any way, shape, or form.
God bless all of you,
Paul and Gena Suarez
The TOS Homeschool Crew is ready
to set sail on its 2nd adventure!
Would you like to join us?
Last summer, TOS launched what would become one of our most exciting adventures to date--the Homeschool Crew. The Crew set sail for a year of fun and hard work, reviewing products from fifty different homeschool vendors. If you haven't seen our blog, check it out now--it's like a "convention in a blog", with information about many homeschool products (including websites, pictures, and plenty of reviews)!
Maybe you've heard about the Crew and wondered how you could become a part of it. Would you like to become a part of our exclusive group of reviewers--sharing your opinion on hot homeschool products via your blog, online support group, or homeschool newsletter? Do you have what it takes to be selected as the "cream of the crop" for this year? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then this e-mail is for you!
The Homeschool Crew = Focus Group
The Internet is busy with homeschoolers talking, sharing, and networking. It is natural to recommend our favorite homeschool resources, products, books, and more. We love to share!
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, is embarking on our second exclusive "whisper campaign" with up to seventy-five ofour magazine advertisers. You can help us start out as a whisper and end in a roar, known as "viral marketing." Are you game to be part of it?
MarketResearchTerms.com defines viral marketing as: The effective way of advertising or producing brand exposure through social networks. The technique spreads throughout the network rapidly by word of mouth or by Internet resources like e-mail, blogs, or other services. Like a virus, it replicates and spreads quickly.
I want to join--how do I sign up?
TOS is looking for 100 blogging, emailing, cyber talking, home educating parents for this exclusive group and will begin the screening process for the top 100 very soon.
We are inviting 75 of our best advertisers to take part in this special viral marketing program. These exclusive advertisers are going to send you a selection of their hottest products to try.
Your job as a Crew member is to thoroughly use the products in your homeschool. Then, blog about them, email, tell your online groups, and get the information out, helping us go viral. Not only do you get to use the product but it is a free gift, for being part of the focus group!
If you are a support group leader, then you should send out information about some of the focus group items to your support groups. Additionally, support group leaders are asked to take some of these exclusive products with them to physical meetings, and do a "Show and Tell," sharing their experiences with the items they are reviewing with their groups. The more you write, blog, and share about the items, the more fun you have, and the more viral this campaign goes!
It all works quite simply . . .
The accepted vendors will ship the select products you are to review directly to you. Naturally, they will send you catalogs and brochures. If this viral marketing campaign is to work, they need you to become intimately familiar with the items they send you. Use them. Think of yourself as a lab worker--thoroughly testing, studying, and then writing about your findings.
Is this the same as a TOS Reviewer? No. You will be a special independent reviewer exclusively for the Homeschool Crew. TOS will put you in touch with these companies. You will provide the homeschool community with an independent review and analysis of the products you use!
Do you get paid? No. You are, just like a regular reviewer, simply agreeing to test products and write about them on your blogs, within your newsletters, and through emails to homeschooling friends. You recommend your favorite books and restaurants; now you can recommend wonderful products specifically for the homeschool community!
You should also verbally/physically share your thoughts about these products with friends at park days, at your support meetings, whether you are a leader or not, and just in any other day-to-day contact with homeschool friends. Because you'll have company contact information such as website addresses, toll free numbers, etc.--due to all the support materials sent to you by the companies--you should include this information in your reviews and emails so that others visiting your blogs or lists can go check out the products for themselves.
Our goal is to get as much information out about each product reviewed as we can, and into the hands of as many homeschoolers as we can. This is the viral part!
I'm ready! Where do I sign up?
In order to be considered for a spot on the Homeschool Crew, you will be required to download some of our products and write a review of them. If you are a blogger, you can simply send us a link to your blog post(s) containing your reviews.
In order to download your free items for review, please follow the instructions below:
The first item for you to review is our newest E-Book, HomeWork. To receive your copy, go to this link and follow the instructions below:
1. Click the "Add this to my cart" button.
2. Log in to your account (or create one, if you haven't already).
3. At check out, select the Paypal® option. To select this you click on a little circle to the right of the word Paypal®.
4. Enter the code FREEHOMEWORK (all caps) in the "Redemption Code" space.
5. Then, click the CONTINUE button. At this point, the order total should be zero.
6. Click CONTINUE again.
7. You will see the free download link.
8. Click the link to proceed with the download of HomeWork.
The second item we would like for you to review is our newest E-Book line--WeE-books. Currently, we have 30 WeE-books available for download. We would appreciate it if you would review our WeE-book line, in general, by downloading 3 WeE-books of your choice. You may see the entire line here.
Select the three you would like to receive, then follow these instructions:
1. Add each individual WeE-book (up to 3) by clicking the "Add this to my cart" button on each page.
2. At check out, select the Paypal® option. To select this you click on a little circle to the right of the word Paypal®.
3. Enter the codes: FREEWEEBOOK1, FREEWEEBOOK2, and FREEWEEBOOK3 (all caps) in the "Redemption Code space.
4. Then, click the CONTINUE button. At this point, the order total should be zero.
5. Click CONTINUE again.
6. You will see the free download link.
7. Click the link to proceed with your one-year FREE subscription.
Again, we ask that you review both the HomeWork E-Book and WeE-book line. When your reviews are complete, please send a link to your post to hstrawser@thehomeschoolmag
Also, we ask that you complete the demographic form below as follows. Cut and paste all the information that appears below the dotted line into the email you send to Heidi upon completion of your reviews. Insert your answers under the questions, and then initial under each of the four conditions. Again, both reviews and the completed form must be emailed to Heidi by April 30th.
Enjoy your free downloads . . . and we're looking forward to reading some really great reviews!
TOS Focus Group Demographic Form
Full name:
Email Address:
How many children do you homeschool?
Please share their grade levels and genders.
What is your preferred method of homeschooling? (textbook, eclectic, unschooling, etc.)
Where do you plan to spread the word about the products you'll be reviewing? If you plan to share on your blog or website, please include the web url. If you are posting to an online group, or mailing list, please include the name of the group, and the approximate number of members.
Approximately how many people will see your reviews?
Please read each paragraph below. If you understand and agree with each statement, please add your initials after each paragraph.
If you are among the 100 participants selected, your name, address, email address, phone number and other contact information will be shared with the participating vendors so that they can send products to you.The vendors may want to email you, or talk to you by phone about their products--and there may be up to 75 of them. There may be less, but there will not be more than 75. We anticipate that the project will last about one year.
1. If you are among the 100 participants selected, your name, address, email address, phone number, and other contact information will be shared with the participating vendors so that they can send products to you.
2. The vendors may want to email you or talk to you by phone about their products--and there may be up to 75 of them. There may be less, but there will not be more than 75. We anticipate that the project will last about one year.
3. Several of the products you will be asked to review may be E-Books or other downloadable products or website services. There will be some physical products, but at this point we cannot guarantee the mix of products that any individual participant will receive.
4. TOS reserves the right to use all or part of what you write about any product in our print magazine, or in other TOS venues or marketing materials. We will always credit you by name, and where possible include your blog address. Please note that this applies to anyone doing a review, not only the final 100 participants.
5. The Homeschool Crew is a subsidiary of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine LLC, and is not to be duplicated in any way, shape, or form.
God bless all of you,
Paul and Gena Suarez
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