Thursday, June 30, 2011

Freebie Fridays: Math

Today I am sharing the FREE math websites that I have found over the years.
Don Potter Math
Pre-K- elementary school helps
Full elementary math course
Basketmath, interactive math.
To help children with number sense
Free online math lessons. There are many levels of math represented!
Virtual Math manipulatives-FREE!

Mathematics Enhancement Programme (MEP) - School curriculum materials

Downloadable workbooks (PDFs) for FREE for grades 1-10 for non-commercial purposes.

Math ABC
Free online math practice for all kinds of topics, grades 1-6. Prealgebra

Free learning guides (tutorials) for all prealgebra topics with interactive practice problems.

Math Tutor free algebra teacher

A series of interactive video lessons for algebra 1. The lessons follow the free algebra bookfrom

Totally Free Math

Elementary Algebra With Applications - a free math textbook to download or to view online (PDF form).

Exeter Math Course Materials
PDF files filled with problems for algebra, integrated high school math, calculus, discrete math, and multivariable calculus.

Calculus Made Easy

A free download of an old textbook, acclaimed to be a lively introduction to calculus, with clarity and simplicity.

Khan Academy

Awesome videos available for free. Covers math subjects from basic through advanced. As well as science and history. All for free.


Online interactive lessons (free) covering high school algebra and calculus courses (including AP calculus).

BrightStorm Math
Over 2,000 free videos covering all high school math topics from algebra to calculus. Registration required (free).
Free math videos grouped by math topic. Basic math, middle school, high school, and college levels. Also includes links to further resources.

Virtual Nerd
Video tutorials for prealgebra, algebra 1, algebra 2, and intro physics.

ZeGenie Free college Prep Mathematics course
Over 450 animated interactive, dynamic math lessons in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, and probability. Free registration required.

Free animated and narrated math tutorials - pre-algebra, algebra 1, geometry.
Free video lectures, audio lectures, notes, and ebooks etc. for college level math. Also has material for various sciences.

Geometry course from Learning Math
This online geometry course includes readings, problems, videos, interactive activities, homework problems and solutions. It is meant for K-8 teachers but will work well for middle school students as well.

Algebra 2 Video Lessons
This site includes online video lessons and other support materials to accompany Holt Algebra 2 textbook. Click on the Homework help, choose a chapter, and then view the lessons.

Mathematics Illuminated
Mathematics Illuminated is a 13-part, integrated-media resource created for adult learners and high school teachers.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Creating Thirst Thursdays: Conflict

Do you have teenagers? Or have you already raised teenagers? Boy, raising teenagers is quite an adventure. One that isn't rivaled by anything that I have ever experienced.. not even being a teenager!   In our home, we have 4 teenagers.. and one pre-teenager.

How do you and your teenager handle conflict? Do you let those feelings go unresolved? Or do you take the time to handle them?  Unresolved conflict does not just 'go away'. If left alone, it will take root, a root of bitterness. In both you and your child.

One thing that we have put into practice since the children were small is, when we have conflict.. we talk about it!! Sometimes, much to my children's chagrin! It's not always easy, but it is necessary. Our children need to have the opportunity to express themselves, but even more than that, they need to have the experience of working through those tough feelings.  After all, the time that our children are spending in our home, is their training ground. They are learning how to handle conflict in their future relationships.

As you spend the time talking with your children, you will be knitting their heart to yours. They will be thankful that you have listened to them. When your children feel that they have the ability to talk to you, open and honestly, you are helping to create thirst. Thirst for safe, healthy, loving relationships. What a gift!

How will you know know that you have resolved the conflict? When you can pray together, hug each other, and laugh together. Take the opportunity to knit your hearts together with your children, through the conflict, and talk it through with your kids.

Praying that God blesses you and your family!


What About Wednesday's??? Dyslexia

I apologize for the  late posting. The children are away at camp this week, and I have been taking this time to get the house reorganized. So time simply got away from me. However, better late than never right?  I hope you enjoy this weeks post!

This week's What About Wednesday is about Dyslexia. I am not going to spend a lot of time discussing what Dyslexia is, you can read more about it by clicking here..

There are a myriad of Dyslexia resources available, you can spend very little, or spend quite the bundle to find the right resource for your child.

However I want to focus on what Dyslexia resources have helped in our family. For us, AVKO was the beginning of the answer for us! It all started with the book To Teach a Dyslexic, by Don McCabe. Mr. McCabe is a dyslexic, and he explains what is like to grow up as a dyslexic, and then how to teach a dyslexic. This was the key.

We had tried several different popular methods of teaching dyslexics to read, with NO SUCCESS!  After reading To Teach a Dyslexic, I purchased all 7 levels of Sequential Spelling. And herein lies the key to my sons success, once we spent our first 2 weeks using Sequential Spelling, my son was reading with much more ease and understanding.

There are several reasons why Sequential Spelling was the key was for my son. First, one of the hurdles he had was the 'exception' to every rule. Each time an exception was presented, it was like he would completely blank. However, with Sequential Spelling, there is no 'exception'. The words are simply presented in 'clumps' (my word)  of words following like rules. This was huge. This was easier for my son to digest!

Now the interesting thing Sequential Spelling, is that it is not laid out like your typical spelling program. Most programs have your child study all week for the test which is given on Friday. However, with Sequential Spelling they take a test everyday.. and they never study for it.  You, the teacher, simply present the words. Word, then use it in a sentence, and then the word again.  The child then writes down how they think it is spelled. You then write the word correctly on the white board, breaking it up into chunks, each chunk written in different colors.. for instance..  spin win winning.   Notice the in is all in green. And that the ing was put in blue.  This helps the children see the word and understand how to break it up and put it together. And each day builds on the list from the day before.

Putting all of these components together has made all the difference for my son. We actually used this program with all of my children. Both children with dyslexia and without. We began used it before we discovered that my daughter was dyslexic. I believe that she has not been as signifcantly impacted by the dyslexia, because we were teaching her in this fashion.

If you have a dyslexic, or suspect you have a dyslexic, check out AVKO! They offer a one year membership for $25 a year that offers all kinds of resources, including a pdf of To Teach a Dyslexic. There is also a very large resource book, that will help you develop your own spelling program!

PS.. I don't make anything from this! This is an unsolicited endorsement!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Graphics Toolbox Tuesdays - Money Math

Hello everyone! Welcome to another edition of Graphics Toolbox Tuesdays. Once again, my goal today, is to show you simple projects that you can create using Graphic Toolbox to educate your children.

This week's project is about money! You can use Graphics Toolbox to teach your child all about money. Many children learn better when they use manipulatives. You can use Graphics Toolbox in that capacity as well.

I created a simple sheet and called it "Know Your Money", using images of US Dollars and Coins.  You can see the sheet here...



Now from here you can take this into a couple of different directions.  In the first example, I simply typed in dollar amounts... shown here...



You can now have your student use the framing tool, and frame out the appropriate currency and place it under the amount listed.


In this following example I used photos of items in our home...


First, I imported them into Graphics Toolbox, then I had some fun and created a cute frame, and then I created a price tag for each item. In just a few steps I was able to create the tag with the string. Now, depending on the age and skill level of your child, you the parent can create the pictures. However, Graphics Toolbox is very user friendly, and after a little bit of practice, your child will be able to create the photos themselves.

Here is what a completed sheet would look like..



This gives them the manipulation skills they need to help make their learning concrete, while also using this simple money lesson to teach them technology skills for their future. As you can see from these illustrations, you can adapt the projects to meet the needs and abilities of  your students.

You can learn more about Graphics Toolbox by visiting this page. And by visiting their website.  You can also watch a video about it here....[youtube][/youtube]


My Southern Young Living Mondays: Everyday Uses!

Welcome to My Southern Young Living Mondays! Each week I am going to be sharing with you how you can use Young Living Essential Oils in your everyday life!

Before we get into today's post, you should hop on over to my Young Living Page and then to my Science of Young Living Essential Oils post. By visiting these posts you will get a better understanding on how Young Living Essential Oils are used and why they work!

The information I share here, I either have gathered from personal use within my own family, or from books that are available, that are designed to teach you how to use each of the  Essential Oils.  You can find these books by visiting the  Life Science website.

Today, instead of just picking a couple of oils and spotlighting them, I going to look at some of the oils we have used in our home over the last week, and explain how we used them.  

This last week, the men in our home headed out for the Men and Boys Campout with our church. We planned and packed.. however, we did not send them with any oils! OH NO!  So needless to say, they came home with BUG BITES! Yuck!  What should we do? We got out the bottle of Young Living Purification Essential Oil Blend.

Purification has Citronella, Lemongrass, Lavandin, Rosemary, Melaleuca and Myrtle and Essential Oils.  Purification can be used to neutralize  odors, as well as to clean cuts, scrapes and bites.

So, we dabbed a bit of Purification on each bite. The itching was abated, and the healing has been accelerated.


Peppermint- I often said that Peppermint Oil is my favorite oil. One of the reasons, is because this oil is so very versatile.  You can use Peppermint for headaches, muscle aches, indigestion or stomach problems, toothaches and more!

At this point, I think that I need to share with you that before I started using Young Living Essential oils, I was a over the counter pill popper! I loved my ibuprofen! I HATE to be uncomfortable, and I HATE to be sick! So please understand that when I tell you that I am now using an oil to handle an ailment, then that oil has worked for me, and worked well!

When I use the Peppermint Oil on my head, across my hair line, I am amazed that within about 15 seconds ( if that) my headache is GONE!  My children have also used Peppermint to help them with muscle soreness after sports. I have used it in a pinch for heartburn, simply dabbed some on my neck and throat area... and I immediately experience cooling!


RC and Lavender are the two oils we use to work with my son's asthma. He has exercise induced asthma. So prior to his activity, he will put both of these oils on his chest and under his nose. And then when he is ready to be active, he puts both of those oils on his wrist pulse points. While he is active, if he feels that he needs an 'inhaler' he simply smells his wrists. Taking deep breaths, and he is able to continue with his activity without the need of his inhaler.

Please consult with your health care practitioner prior to starting any new health regimen.

RC is a blend of several eucalyptus oils, myrtle,spruce,peppermint,pine, lavender,marjoram and cypress.

As you  can see my family uses Young Living Essential Oils everyday, for many different ailments and injuries. Keep coming back every Monday and learn how you can use Young Living Essential Oils with your family!

For more information, please visit my website!

DISCLAIMER: The content of this article is solely for educational purposes.  It is not meant to diagnose, treat or mitigate any health condition.  As always you should consult the health professional of your choice for specific health information. The author, products mentioned or Young Living is not responsible for its mis-use.



Thursday, June 23, 2011

Freebie Fridays!!! Language Arts

Surely curriculum is on the mind of most homeschoolers. We are anticpating the needs of our students for the upcoming year, we are looking at our pocket book and figuring what we can afford. And for many of us, we are working on a limited budget.

Thankfully, there are amazing websites available that provide curriculum or activities that are free for your student to use and learn from!

Today we are gong to cover Language Arts. All ages are represented below, take a look and see what treasures you can find!  My prayer is that you will use this list to inspire you to search out free resources of your own. If you find something great, please come back and share it in the comments!

Happy Homeschooling!


Free Books

This is a booklist that was actually created for the Robinson Curriculum, however, it is a list that puts the books in "grade" levels. So it is helpful, if you are unsure of what age a book is for. Most of these books are classics.

Free downloadable G.A. Henty books


Free Grammar Lessons

Free grammar program for Middle and High Schoolers

Short movies on various topics.. not limited to Language Arts!

Sent free to your email daily with quiz on Saturday, Daily Grammar is a fun supplement to learning parts of speech

language arts lesson plans and activities. A very extensive list


Free Spelling and Handwriting

Free online Spelling program!

Online FREE Handwriting and Reading workbooks. Grades 1-6


Free Phonics Programs

FREE Phonics program

Progressive Phonics - Free phonics program. Also good for reading recovery.








Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Creating Thirst Thursdays

If you haven't been following Creating Thirst Thursdays, click here to read the inaugural post.  Here is a snippet of that post...

I recently heard a message that has profoundly changed my life!  We have all heard the saying  ” You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink.”     That is, unless you ” Salt the oats!”  What is it that you are doing to create thirst for your children?  Thirst for their Savior? Thirst for knowledge, Thirst for service?

That little quote has begun to reshape how I look at parenting.


Part of creating thirst in our children, include creating thirst for their family. In today's culture, many children grow up and want to high tail it out of their home, never looking back.

What are you doing to create thirst for family? Creating a desire to be around the family that the Lord has blessed them with?

When I first became a parent, I heard over and over, it's not the quantity of time you spend with your children, it is the quality of the time you spend with them.  Bah Humbug is what I say about that.

Don't our children deserve the best? They deserve our quantity and our quality time! What does that mean? How does that translate?

First, play with your children! You need to spend time with them. Not just simply exist with them! Take an evening, or an afternoon, every single week (or more) and just play... board games, sports, roller skating.... whatever it is your family enjoys together.

So many times we get so wrapped up in the busyness of our lives that we forget to actually take the time to enjoy each others company.. times where we can be silly, and tell stories, and make memories! Not expensive memories, but the most valuable memories!

The next thing you should do is serve with your children. Now, there should be an element of service to each other that happens within your own family, however, that is not what I am talking about. I mean to actually get out and serve others.  One way you can do that is by serving at your local church together as a family. Now, our family serves at our local church weekly. Several of our family members work in the children's ministries, while several also sing in the choir.

We also have opportunities at our church to serve together as a family. We serve together during several special events at the church that happen several times a year.  In addition, we as a family have had the opportunity to serve at a local Christian Camp that reaches out to children from the inner city. We worked for them during their winter camp. It was an amazing time. We have decided that this will be something that our family will be doing each year. We were able to serve side by side for a common purpose.

When we serve together as a family, as well as, consistently serve in our individual ministries we are working together for a common good. It helps to define what our family stands for, what we represent.

If you look at what we have covered so far, from last week and this week, we have learned that when creating thirst in your children, we need to bathe them in prayer, and pray with them, and we need to spend time with them, both working and playing!

Take some time this week and enjoy those children that God has blessed you with!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What About Wednesdays! Special Needs ~ Have you been to Holland?

Early in my journey with my children with Special Needs, I was given the essay by Emily Perl Kingsley  called "Welcome to Holland".  This little essay, helped me to realize that I am not to feel alone on this journey!  In the years since then, I have shared that essay with friends who have found them on a journey they did not expect.

The wonderful part of Holland, is that I have made some amazing friends! Thanks to the internet, I have met fellow travelers to Holland. I have learned from them, I have been inspired by them! I am so very thankful to the blogging world, thanks to fellow bloggers who share their experience, and what works with their kids, I have been inspired to try things, that I would have otherwise not even had access to.

What have you learned from fellow travelers to Holland? Have you paid it forward? Have you shared with new visitors, what they might expect along their journey?

Take a moment, and read Emily Perl Kingsely's essay. And then hug your special kid! They are God's gift and are truly a miracle!


Monday, June 20, 2011

Graphics Toolbox Tuesdays: Special Education

Today, I am hoping that what I share with you, will inspire you far beyond my examples!

When you have special needs children, often times you will have an older child who will need some extra help. However, the products on the market are geared for younger children. Here I would like to show you how you can create the support materials your student needs, while tailoring it to their unique likes and interests... and age!

First we are going to look at  " What's Wrong with this photo!"

Now, there are a couple of ways to do this. What I did was first I used google images, and found two images of sports players in action.

I then located several balls from different sports. I then framed out one of the balls, in this case first, the baseball and then the football, and placed them in the photo, over the original ball.

So you see the soccer player is kicking a baseball, and the baseball player is throwing a football. What you see here, is several balls, where the child can simply frame out the ball and place it in the correct place. However, if your child is capable, you can have them locate a picture on the internet, or from a family picture, that would be the correct ball for the photo, and then have them place it.

By doing this you are giving your child several skills. They are getting the support they need, however, they also are learning a technological skill, that would not be present if you simply used flash cards.

Now, here is one other example..

Now here they are trying to discern the photo that does not belong with the others. Again, I found these images on google images for free. Placed them in a row... Now the child will need to figure out which photo does not belong. In this instance, I gave the direction of going to find an appropriate photo to put in it's place, by using the internet, or family photo. You, however, can also decide to place several photos for them to choose from, right on the page, and have them place on of those correctly.

That is the beauty of Graphics Toolbox, you can tailor it to fit your children's needs and interests. For more educational ideas, please visit Great Software Tools today!

If you have any questions please email me at jennifer@

Thank you for stopping by! Happy creating!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Southern Young Living Mondays: Di Gize and Pan Away

Before you continue, if you have not read my post on the Science of Essential Oils, please head over there now, and then come back here!

My plan is to cover a couple of oils each week, explain what the books tell you they are good for, and if they are oils we have used in my family, I will share with you we have used them!

I am going to start with oils that we use and depend on! 

The first oil I am going to share about it Di-Gize

Di Gize

•Blend of Tarragon, Ginger, Juniper, anise, Fennel, Patchouli, Peppermint, and Lemongrass essential oils

•Relieves digestive problems including digestion, heartburn, and bloating. Combats candida and parasite infestation.

•Uses- Great for stomach ailments, digestion issues, constipation, heartburn, IBS, diarrhea, food poisoning.

•All the oils in Di-Gize are anti-septic and can be used on cuts and other minor injuries.

Tarragon is antiseptic and combats intestinal parasites and urinary tract infection. It is antipasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, and prevents fermentation.

Ginger has been traditionally used to combat nausea and gastro-intestinal fermentation. It is antispamodic and antiseptic and combats indigestion.

Juniper works as a pwerful detoxifier and cleanser and amplifies kidney function

Anise is antispasmodic, antiseptic, stimulates and increases bile flow. Combats spastic colitis, indigestion, and intestinal pain.

Fennel: is antiseptic and stimulating to the gastrointestinal system. It is antispasmodic, antiseptic, and used for flatulence and nausea. It promotes digestion and prevents fermentation.

Patchouli: Powerful digestive aid that combats nausea.

Peppermint: Most highly regarded herb for improving digestion and combating parasites. It relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestinal tract and promotes peristalsis. It kills bacteria, yeasts, fungi and mold.

Lemongrass: Powerful antifungal properties. It is vasodilating, antiinflammatory and improves digestion.

Peppermint Anti-infectious, antibacterial, antifungal, is also a pain reliever, expectorant and anti-inflammatory for the intestinal and urinary tract.

Now my testimony with DiGize, is that I suffered with IBS for several years. I was sick for so long, that I dropped 60 pounds, and was extremely anemic... like 5.0 was my level and normal is between 12.0 and 15.0.

I changed my diet which helped me a great deal. However, I was still sick, and had fear of getting sick. So at any sign of an uneasy stomach, I was taking over the counter stomach aids. When I bought my first bottle of Young Living Essential Oils DiGize, I literally replaced all of those over the counter meds with the Di Gize. I was probably taking it both internally and topically, up to 10 times a day, everyday.  That slowly became, a couple times a day, then once a day, to a few times a week, to weekly... and now, I simply carry DiGize with me in case of a flair up. But I also keep it on hand for my kids. If they have indigestion, nausea, heartburn, anything, Di Gize will combat it. You simply rub DiGize over the area you are feeling ill, and it will subside, within minutes!  This is a must have for any families medicine cabinet!

The next oil we are going to discuss is the blend Pan Away.


Pan Away- Reduces pain and inflammation, increases circulation, accelerates healing. Relieves swellin and discomfort from arthritis, sprains, muscle spasms, cramps, bumps and bruises.

1.  Helichrysum is a powerful anesthetic and analgesic. It quenches pain and inflammation and reduces muscle spasms.

2.  Wintergreen is strongly anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic. It is analgesic and reduces pain.

3.  Clove is used in the dental industry to numb the gum and kill pain. It is the most antimicrobial and antiseptic of all essential oils.

4.  Peppermint has powerful pain-blocking, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic properties. The University of Kiel in Germany found that peppermint oil had a significant analgesic effect.


Pan Away is one of our favorite oils. We have used Pan Away for headaches, sports injuries and soreness, general fatigue... anytime we have pain!  However recently, we actually used it to stop bleeding. I was out of town a few months ago, and I received a phone call that my son had a bloody nose for about 45 minutes. They were ready to take him to the ER. I asked them to wait just a bit, to see if we could get it to stop without going to the ER. Helichrysum stops bleeding, however, I did not have any at the house. So I had them use Pan Away, since Helichrysum is in Pan Away. At this point my son was laying on the couch, each time he sat up his nose would gush... I had them put 1 drop of Pan Away in each nostril. He laid down for about 5 minutes... we had him sit up, and guess what... no bleeding! And the bleeding never returned! I love when the affects of the Young Living Essential Oils are so evident!

For more information you can visit my website at  You can also email me at that website, or leave a comment below!

DISCLAIMER: The content of this article is solely for educational purposes.  It is not meant to diagnose, treat or mitigate any health condition.  As always you should consult the health professional of your choice for specific health information. The author, products mentioned or Young Living is not responsible for its mis-use.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Freebie Fridays! Putting the Fun in Home Education with Terri Camp!

Happy Friday everyone!

I trust that you all had a wonderful week! Most of us are at least in the beginnings of our Summer Vacation. Or perhaps some of you are still doing school. ( we are!)

Either way, these FREE Mp3's will bless you and your family, no matter how old your children are!

If you have been following my blog over the past few weeks you have heard (seen) me talk about Terri Camp, author of Ignite the Fire!

I have been talking to you about her new program Homeschool Mom's Making Money at Home

However, today we are going to be looking at her homeschool website

When you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will find a form you can fill out to receive 2 free audios for one of her popular workshops " Putting the Fun into Home Education!"

Also, on that same page, you can purchase an e-copy of Ignite the Fire for $10 and with it you will receive 3 bonus audios! You are not going to want to miss out on this. Ignite the Fire completely shaped my view on home education! I know that you will be blessed by Terri's insight in this amazing book!

Come back next week and each week there after. For the next several weeks I will be listing by subject freebies for your family!

Have a great weekend! See you on Monday!!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How to Create Thirst Thursdays!

I recently heard a message that has profoundly changed my life!  We have all heard the saying  " You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink."     That is, unless you " Salt the oats!"  What is it that you are doing to create thirst for your children?  Thirst for their Savior? Thirst for knowledge, Thirst for service?

That little quote has begun to reshape how I look at parenting.


As homeschool parents... moms, ( speaking for myself) we tend to put a lot of pressure on ourselves. I know that I feel as though I am responsible for my children's academic well being, emotional well being, spiritual well being, and social well being..  and that carries  quite a lot of weight!  I feel the pressure to make every moment a teaching moment. Which can be a wonderful thing, however, the flip side of that is that I am not showing them much grace if I am always correcting them.

So how is it that we can create thirst in our children, while still directing their path, and growing them in the way they should go?

I think we first need to start with prayer! First, we need to be in prayer ourselves. We need to pray for our own heart, and then for the heart of our children. We need to bathe our relationship with our children in prayer. Seeking the Holy Spirit to help guide us as we seek to raise up children who will love, honor and serve Him!  We should also be praying with our children. This simple action will do more for knitting your hearts together! I have heard it said, so many times, " A family that prays together, stays together".  I will tell you, I have older children, we do not 'tuck' them in any longer. However, for the last several years, we pray together each night before bed, not in their bedroom, but in the living room. We affectionately call these, our prayer hugs. I have to tell you , we have done this with such consistency, that when I travel out of town we have our 'prayer hugs' over the phone.  I have even had them call me from sleep overs, so we can have our prayer hugs while they are away. I am so thankful to have this tradition with my children. It is something that they can count on. They know that I am praying for them, and exactly how I am praying for them. They will also pray for me. I love to hear my children pray for me. It does this momma's  heart good!

We also pray throughout our days.. we pray at meals, we pray during our devotional time.. and as needed throughout the day. And we take turns, everyone takes a turn, praying for the family. I must tell you, I can sense a sweeter spirit within my children when we are consistently living in a state of prayer.

In addition to this, while we are learning how to handle difficult situations that come our way, we go to the Lord in prayer together. When one of the children is having a specific struggle, we pray through it, and help them learn how to pray through it for themselves.

What I notice, is that not only do we see a softness in our children's spirit, but when you are faithful to pray, you will have a soft and tender spirit toward your children.. even on those days where nothing seems to be going how it should!

The by product of maintaining a consistent prayer life with your children, is that they will yearn to have that connection both with you, and with their Savior.

Life can be so very busy, and we can get caught up in all the to and fro with our families, but never let your family get too busy to pray! If you are too busy to pray then you are TOO BUSY!

Carve out time each day to pray with your children, let them pray for what is important to them. This, in turn, will give you a window into their heart that you otherwise would not see!

Each week, I hope to grow this topic. Looking at ways we can create thirst within our children. If you are doing something with your family to create thirst, and would like to write up a guest blog post, let me know in the comments, and we will feature your post in the upcoming weeks!

I am looking forward to learning with you and from you as we travel down this road together!

God Bless you and your family!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What About Wednesdays: How do I Homeschool a High Schooler?

In this inaugural edition of  What About Wednesday, we are going to tackle the topic of, "How do I homeschool my High Schooler?" I currently am homeschooling 4 high schoolers. And boy is it fun! (truth and tongue in cheek all in one!) For many homeschoolers, this is the time in their children's education that they approach with great trepidation. 

You really can homeschool your children all the way through high school. There are even ways to teach subjects you do not know!!!

I want to begin with, homeschooling your high schooler can be an exciting and fun experience! Yes, their education is paramount, you are indeed preparing them for life! And you do not want to short change them, you want them to have the ability pursue their God given talent! No matter where that leads them!

With that said, some of the best parts of homeschooling high schoolers, is allowing them to find their passions! My children love music and sports! So guess what we spend our time doing? Watching/playing sports and playing and singing and listening to music.... Teenagers by nature are social creatures! I think it is very important for them to have healthy peer relationships!  I have included a couple of photos of some of my teenagers, simply living their life!  I hope you enjoy a peek into our high school homeschool journey!

Another aspect that is true for homeschooling all ages, but it really does continue through high school, is field trips!  Many times as our children get older, field trips and other real life experiences are put to the wayside, and replaced for books! Our children, even more so our young adults need to see what the world has to offer them!  What better way to do that, but by giving them the rich exposure to all the world has to offer them!!

There are a myriad of resources available to you, that will help you with figuring out what to teach, when to teach it and how to document it!  I thought that I would put some of those resources listed here!  Now this is in addition to the major curriculum publishers that homeschoolers have available to them.

One of my favorite sources is Lee Binz the HomesScholar. She has some wonderful information that she shares both on her blog and in video. Check out her free resources page here. Just about any high school question you have, you will find the answer on the Home Scholar website! (hint: Look for her video on how to teach subjects you do not know!!!)

Another free resource for you is, by clicking on this link you will be taken directly to her High School Resources page. You can find planning tools and Trancripts templates. This is actually the transcript template we are actually using in our homeschool.

Another resource that has become invaluable to our family is Khan Academy. This website has what seems to be thousands of videos that cover, math, history and science! Whether your children are in school or homeschooled they would benefit from the information on this site.. and it's FREE!

If I had to reccomend one book to purchase it would be the High School Handbook by Mary Schofield. This book will actually help you with both Junior High School and High School. However, if your children are already beyond Junior High School, it is not too late to purchase and use this book! It will teach you  how to plan your high school! A real must have!

Now with that said, you need to check what your state requirements are for homeschooling. Here is a great resource to find out yours! Once you know your documentation requirements, you can move onto your choice of home education.

In most locations, you can also enroll your high schooler at the local Junior College and your student can earn dual credits. Both credits for high school, and  for college!  The benefits of this is two fold! Your student will gain experience and exposure to college level courses. You can also use this option to have them take classes you feel ill equipped to teach, while giving your child the option of earning college credits!

There are also some colleges like Liberty that offer programs for high school students where they can take classes online.  You will also find some online schools that you can use as well. Like American School.  Many people choose these options if they are feeling overwhelmed and unable to teach high school.

And while I am thankful that parents have options, I would like to stress, that these options are costly and not necessary! You can homeschool on your own, all the way through high school. Visit the links listed above, connect with homeschoolers in your area, and enjoy your high schooler!

Now with all of that said, I would like to say, the most important part of homeschooling your high schooler, is keeping their heart! Continue to build that relationship, as you are laying those final foundations before they are off and on their own. Before you know it you will have a high school graduate, and your 'job' (the homeschooling part) will be done!  Take advantage of having them in your home, and having the time to spend with them. And purpose to make it a rich environment!

Happy Homeschooling my Friends!





Monday, June 13, 2011

Graphics Toolbox Tuesdays!

Today we are going to look at some fun things that can be done with Graphics Toolbox. From these projects I hope that you can see, that not only can Graphics Toolbox be used for education, but, also for family creative use!

This first project shows a photo of my daughter performing in a Fine Arts competition.


As you can see, not exactly an exciting or fun photo. What can we do to jazz it up a bit??

Now that is exciting! She is playing the piano in front of a massive crowd! How neat! How did we do this?

We used an irregular frame and pulled both my daughter and the piano out of the photo. We then laid it over a photo of a crowd that we found on google images.  We used the resizing tool to make both photos the correct size.

Once placed we framed out the photo by drawing a solid black frame, and then we chose the stitched line frame and matched the color of my daughters shirt for the stitched line. And Voila! A fun picture!

Here are the birthday cards I made for my kids last year!  They really enjoyed them, and I enjoyed making them!


In addition to these projects, we have created thank you notes... I have made them and the children have made them. I have used Graphics Toolbox to dress up the graphics that I use on my blog... I have created a homeschool schedule for a our homeschool, and mini posters that we post around our home.


Over the next few weeks, we will continue to look at Special Needs Projects, and general homeschool projects and blog projects and much, much more!

For more information on Graphics Toolbox, please visit Great Software Tools today!!!  You can also click here to view a video that will show you even more wonderful projects that can be achieved with Graphics Toolbox!


So, what is it worth, anyway?

Most of you know that I was recently interviewed by Terri Camp and 12 other amazing homeschool mom's who are making money at home!  I cannot stress enough how much I have learned, and have already benefited from since listening to these amazing interviews!

These women share what they do, and how they do it! Why? To help other Homeschool Mom's out there, Mom's just like you!

But, there is a problem a brewing! In the homeschool community, we are so accustomed to getting everything for FREE!  Or REALLY cheap, say for a buck or $2, that when we hear about something that is eegads, full price, we cannot fathom 'splurging' on such an item.

I am here to tell you that I believe we are doing ourselves a huge disservice! We are undercutting ourselves and each other. We are under valuing what we have to offer, and what others are rightfully worth!

This would never happen in the business world! I decided to search and see what it would cost to attend a business conference, where I could attend workshops, and hear speakers and find tools that would help my business. Oh my what the cost is!!!

I found a conference in Los Angeles were I live. Yes, this conference has a few high profile speakers.  However, none of these speakers speak to or for the Homeschool Mom with a business. Their tools would not fit our needs. And with Terri Camp's Homeschool Mom's Making Money at Home series, you have a who's who of Homeschoolers! Such as Sarah Cook and Heidi St. John and Mary Jo Tate, just to name a few!!!!  Back to the other conference... what would it cost to attend their conference?  $495!  They also have a women's conference with 3 women speakers, if you are a registered attendee, you may attend this event for $50, however, if you would like to simply attend the women's conference, it would cost $125.

After looking at their agenda, it appears that they have approximately the same number of speakers as Terri Camp had interviews! So if you attended the general conference and the women's conference it would cost you $545.

However, if you would like to download and listen to 13 interviews, with homeschool mom's just like you, who are balancing work and family and homeschool, you can do so for $77.  Did you hear that????  ONLY $77!!!!

That is less than $6 an interview!


Do you think it would be worth $6 to hear a speaker and learn tips and tools that will streamline your family and home, and give you tools to maximize output and even increase the bottomline of your business?

It's easy!!! When you buy the interview series, you will receive all the interviews, and a one month membership to Terri's site, Homeschool Mom's Making Money at Home! Where you will recieve on going support, a newsletter, and  a question and answer call with Terri Camp!

Is your business worth it? Are you worth investing in? The answer is YES!!! On both counts!

Take a moment today, and learn more about this innovative series, and then buy your copies today!






Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Southern Young Living Mondays!!! Science of Essential Oils!

Today starts the beginning of my weekly schedule of events! Mondays will forever more be known as My Southern Young Living Mondays!

My goal each Monday will be to share something with you that will teach you more about how to use Young Living Essential Oils in your daily life, to achieve abundant health and wellness!

Today we are going to talk about WHY Young Living Essential Oils work!

***Please take note! I am NOT a doctor! Any of the information shared on this page, is for education purposes only. Please consult a medical practitioner of your choice, before you begin any therapy. ****

So first let's talk about WHAT are Essential Oils???

•Life force of a plant

Aromatic liquids distilled from plants.

•Extremely potent

1.   One drop of peppermint oil is equal to 28 cups of peppermint tea.

2.  It takes 5,000 pounds of rose petals to make one pound of rose essential oil.

•Very beneficial to the human body

•Do not contain proteins, polypeptides or amino acids resulting in no potential allergens.

The volatile oil distilled from the plant contains none of the plant proteins or amino acids that are the source of allergic reactions to the plant.

  • Can be applied topically, inhaled or ingested.







What Makes a Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil?

A therapeutic grade essential oils is defined here as one that is specifically distilled from plants that are cultivated organically or grown wild in a clean environment. (Not along a highway) The plants should be from proper genus, species, and cultivar. No chemical fertilizers are added to the soil, and crop cultivation is free of herbicides and pesticides.  Essential oils should be extracted by steam distillation at minimum temperatures and pressures, as was done in ancient times.. No chemical solvents are to be used in extraction process.

There is nothing wrong with producing food or perfume grade oils. The problem comes when such oils are bottled and labeled as therapeutic. As common practice, a decent grade oil is taken and diluted with 90%-95%  odorless, colorless solvent ( usually an inexpensive petrochemical) so that what was a pound of good oil, becomes 10 or 20 pounds of diluted oil.  These oils still carry labels that say Genuine or 100% pure which is indeed allowed by the FDA.

Example- You can be sure that if you see a bottle of Frankincense for $10-$20 for a full fluid ounce, it has been diluted. You simply cannot gather the resins from the Arabian and Somalian Deserts, transport them to France or England to be distilled and then import them to the US for that price and maintain quality and purity.

For every pound of Frankincense distilled, there are dozens of pounds eventually sold.  A pure, unadulterated frankincense should cost around $140 per ounce.

Currently, there are no standards for therapeutic grade essential oils labeling in North America, so labeling fraud is rampant. Therefore, you need to be sure that you know your grower, distiller, packager, and your distributor..any where along this chain of delivery, oils can be compromised.


Young Living Pure Therapeutic

Grade Essential Oils: God’s Medicine


Gary Young, Founder and President of Young Living, reintroduced essential oils to millions worldwide. He is on a mission to educated the world about the benefits of essential oils.


Young Living is the world leader in essential oils. All of the essential oils sold by Young Living are based on oils that have been graded according to AFNOR standards; a set of standards that have been established in Europe that outlines the chemical profile and principal constituents that a quality oil should have. We either meet or exceed AFNOR standards.


Young Living cultivates, distills, and markets the highest-quality essential oils in the world.

What God created for us; pure therapeutic grade essential oils, will never lose its potency and effectiveness for as long as humans exist on this planet as long as the plants exist and someone has the knowledge of how to harvest them…




Young Living follows their product from Seed to Seal....

The key to producing a therapeutic grade essential oil is to preserve as many of the delicate aromatic compounds within the essential oil as possible.


Fragile aromatic chemicals are easily destroyed by high temperature and pressure, as well as contact with chemically reactive metals such as copper or aluminum. All therapeutic essential oils should be distilled in stainless steel cooking chambers at low pressure and low temperature.


The plant material should also be free of herbicides and other agrichemicals. These can react with the essential oil during distillation to produce toxic compounds. Many pesticides are oil soluble and can mix into the essential oil. It is necessary to obtain the purest essential oil possible for the power of essential oils in the realm of personal and holistic healing. No matter how much the cost, the essential oil must not be compromised or diluted.


Because of the complex nature of the hundred of chemical compounds contained in the essential oil, many of the molecules and isomers are impossible to successfully recreate in the chemistry laboratory. Many fragrances have been synthetically made, but they lack therapeutic benefits and may even carry risks.


Therapeutic grade means 100% of all chemical constituents are present in the essential oil; they are not fractionated, adulterated, or cut with other oils. Young Living owns technologically advanced distilleries for the production of pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils. They conduct stringent testing for purity and excellence.

How are Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils Used?

•First Aid

•Stress management

•Pain management

•Diffused into the air

•Improving the quality of life

It is possible to use therapeutic-grade oils as natural medicines because essential oils and human blood share several common properties.
•They fight infection. Many of the oils possess potent antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. While antibiotics kill the good and bad bacteria, essential oils only attack the bad bacteria.

•They contain hormone-like compounds. Oils like clary sage and sage that contain sclerol, have a strong estrogenic action. Working like hormones helps bring the body back into balance.

•They also initiate regeneration. Some essential oils like clove have the ability to decrease the viscosity or thickness of the blood and can also enhance circulation and immune function.

•Research has shown that when essential oils are diffused, they can increase atmospheric oxygen and provide negative ions, which in turn inhibits bacterial growth. This suggest that EO’s could play an important part in air purification and neutralizing odors. Because of their ionizing action, EO’s have the ability to break down potentially harmful chemicals and render them nontoxic.

Essential oils have a chemical structure that is similar to that found in human cells and tissues. This makes essential oils compatible with human protein and enables them to be readily identified and accepted by the body.


Aromatic science is a new field of research that is rediscovering the many health benefits of aromatherapy once lost in antiquity but are now being verified and refined by modern science and improving the quality of human life.

This Thursday June 16th, at 7pm (pacific) I will be hosting a webinar titled The ABC's of Young Living Essential Oils

Click Here to learn more!   And click Here to register for this FREE event!

Keep coming back here, every Monday, and learn how to use Young Living Essential Oils in your everyday life!



DISCLAIMER: The content of this article is solely for educational purposes.  It is not meant to diagnose, treat or mitigate any health condition.  As always you should consult the health professional of your choice for specific health information. The author, products mentioned or Young Living is not responsible for its mis-use.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Announcing the NEW Line Up on Creative Learners!

I am very excited to announce the 'starting' line up for Creative Learners.  I have developed a schedule for Creative Learners, to help you find the posts you are looking for.  Now, in addition to the topics you find on our 'Starting Line- Up' there will also be periodic posts on miscellaneous topics!  I am serving on the TOS Crew for my 4th year. And those reviews will post on their pre- prescribed days, so keep your eyes out for those bonuses!

With out further adieu..

My Southern Young Living Mondays

On Monday's you will find posts that will teach you all about Young Living Essential Oils. You will learn things like, how to use specific oils, or why Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils work.. etc..  If you leave comments or questions in the comments sections on oils you would like to learn more about, I will do a post about it! So post your questions!


Graphics Toolbox Tuesdays

On Tuesdays you will find different project ideas for Graphics Toolbox. You will also learn how to enhance your child's education, helping them retain what you are already teaching, as well as, teaching them technology skills they will be able to take with them far into their adult life!

What About .......... Wednesdays?

My hope for Wednesdays are to answer questions that are either from readers, or some that I have run into through out my week. These questions really could be about anything.. homeschooling, cleaning, parenting, business... anything....

Are you Creating Thirst Thursdays?

At church I just heard a quote that has truly inspired me!  It is...

It is said that you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.....You can, if you salt the oats! ~ Dr. John Goetsch

Thursdays will be devoted to creating thirst in our children. How can we  create a thirst for God in our children? Or a thirst for doing what is right?   I am truly hoping that Thursday will be a give and take. I would love to glean from all of you awesome parents out there, and learn how you create thirst in your families!

Freebie Fridays!

Freebie Fridays will be FUN! Yes, this will be partially exactly what you think, I link of some sort to something FREE! However, it will also include FREE or almost FREE things to do with your family! This will be fun!


I hope that this new line up will be 'programming' that you can count on, and look forward to! I am also hoping that each of these days will be inner active. I want your ideas and input! I might even have guest bloggers from time to time! If you would like to be a guest blogger, let me know! Contact me if you are interested in being a guest blogger!

See you on Monday with our first My Southern Young Living Mondays!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Family Movie Night : Field of Vision

It is increasingly difficult to find family entertainment that is indeed suitable for the entire family to watch. Many of the programs that are labeled for the family, will often contain undertones of  immorality that my family does not need to bare witness to. 

I was given the opportunity to view the film "Field of Vision"  starring Faith Ford, which will be airing Saturday, Jun 11th on NBC. My 11 year old daughter and I snuggled in and sat down to watch this 'family' movie!

Before I share my thoughts... here is what the creators of Field of Vision have to say about the movie...

Through mysterious footage captured on an old malfunctioning video camera, Sinclair High School's star quarterback, Tyler McFarland, learns that some of his teammates have been bullying Cory Kimble, a troubled new transfer student. Aware that sharing this information with the coach might get his friends kicked off the team and ultimately cost the school the state championship, Tyler must choose what's more important: winning or doing what's right.

As these events unfold, the camera also reveals more surprising footage to Tyler's kid sister Lucy. She learns that Cory has a secret past, unknown even to him. Now Lucy must convince her mom (Faith Ford, Murphy Brown) and family that the camera's revealing insight is not a product of her imagination as she enlists their help to find the answers Cory so desperately needs. It's a compelling and intriguing story that shows both the challenges and rewards of doing the right thing even when it's tough to do.


So what is my take? I loved it! My daughter and I really enjoyed the movie! Not once, did I need to shield my daughters eye, nor did I need to fast forward or mute! What a blessing!  As a parent, you will be thankful to find no sex, no nudity, no drugs, and no inappropriate language. You do find some mild violence with pushing and shoving during the bullying scenes. However, all in all, this movie fits the bill for family friendly!

Aside from the bullying, which was clear and plainly conveyed as to be unacceptable, the children in this movie were dressed appropriately, they spoke to the adults with respect and in general were well mannered and respectful. This is so far from what we normally see on programming aimed at children.


I also appreciated the fact that they showed the perspective of Tyler, who was struggling to do the right thing, even when it was difficult. This is such clear depiction on how we each struggle. As a Christian, this opened up a dialog with my daughter regarding living for Christ, even when it is not the popular choice. 

The creators of Field of Vision did a wonderful job with the characters. Each of the main characters were relate-able and we genuinely cared about what was happening to them. You will find yourself cheering for these awesome teenagers!

I would suggest visiting Mom's for Family TV and The Dove Foundation Review.  Be sure to check out Family Movie Night on Facebook.

And don't forget to tell you friends and family, and then gather round the tv on Saturday June 11th, at 8pm on NBC for a great evening of family entertainment!





"Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

Saturday, June 4, 2011

New and Used Curriculum Sale - June 8, 2011

Our homeschool group is hosting a LARGE New and Used Curriculum Sale!

This Wednesday, June 8th

Palmdale Hotel

300 West Palmdale Blvd,

Palmdale, CA 93551

Sale is from 10am - 4pm

This just in!!!

Growing Healthy Homes and Great Software Tools both will be at the sale!

Both have discounts!!!

What kind of stuff will be available?? Here is just some of the curriculum available on my table...

Apologia, McGuffey Readers Set, Rays Arithmetic Set, homeschool support books, by Cathy Duffy, Chris Klicka and more... Landmark History Books, Write Source books, science encyclopedias, readers... all levels... and ABEKA! Usborne Books... and the list goes on and on and on....

I have also unearthed Saxon Algebra 1/2 with Teaching tape videos... someone with a VHS can walk away with this set for about 1/3rd of the retail price... don't miss the sale!!! Includes 12 VHS teaching tapes and the Algebra 1/2 homeschool packet!

Creation Science DVD's... Sonlight Readers Christian Liberty Press readers, Math U See Algebra 2...

My dining room table is filled with books!  And I am just one of the sellers! You are not going to want to miss this opportunity to build your homeschool library and resources!

Hope to see you there!