Tuesday, March 15, 2011

TOS Crew: Apologia 'Who is God? And Can I Really Know Him?'

Recently, I was speaking with a Christian adult, and the topic of worldview came up. Well actually, because we were discussing how a Christian views the world, I had asked them, if they have heard of the word 'worldview'. And to my astonishment they had not.  They understood the meaning of a worldview, and clearly they possessed a Christian Worldview, they just simply had not given it much thought, nor did they realize it had a name.

As Christians, and much more, as Christian parents, it is our duty to raise our children, and helping them to understand what our worldview is. And why we hold to that worldview. Gone are the days, of do as your told, and don't ask questions! When you raise children in that fashion, when they are independent adults, they will surely stray from the foundational upbringing that they have been taught.

With that said, my question to you is this, are you teaching your children to have and honor a biblical worldview? If you are, what tools are you utilizing to teach them? If you are not, would you like to? And would like to find a tool, that would help you to pass along your bibilical worldview to your children? There is indeed, such a tool available!

As part of the TOS Homeschool Crew, we were sent a free copy of Who is God? and Can I really Know Him? by John Hay and David Webb, and published by Apologia Ministries.  This  is the first volume in a 4 volume series entitled, "What We Believe". 

In true Apologia fashion, this publication is beautifully done. It is a hard bound book, very well illustrated, and geared for children from ages 6-14 years old. One of my favoirte features is that  the book is written  directly to the student. This is something that I have always enjoyed with the Apologia books.

In the begining of the book, there is a useful chapter titled, 'How to Use This Book" which proves helpful to guide you through the planning of lessons for your student. While your student, will have the ability to read through the text on their own, I would highly recommend that you as the parent go through the lessons with your child. Afterall, you are forming your childs worldview.  Also, this book uses a notebooking style to document what your child has studied and learned, versus a fill in the blank worksheets.

What our family has found is that, as we worked through this book, it sparked so much wonderful conversation! My children range in ages from 11-18, and we actually used this book as a family devotion, and even with the older children, it proved to be an invaluable resource.

Here you can see a sample of the Table of Contents, and here you can see a Sample Lesson.  As you can see, this is a very in depth, yet friendly written book!

I would highly recommend this book for any Christian Homeschool Family!

Please visit the Crew Blog to see what my crew mates have to say about this amazing little resource!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to get this book.

    I am stopping by from the Blog Walk.

    I know I am behind, but I am catching up.

    I am now following you.

    Would love a follow back.



    Thanks. Have a great night.
