Tuesday, September 20, 2011

AIMS - Solve It 3rd - Problem Solving Strategies - It's a Review!

I was so excited to see that Aims Education Foundation was on the Crew Manifest List this year!!! I was first introduced to Aims back when I first started homeschooling 12 years ago. I have loved all of their products, but I actually have not used them is several years.


The product that I am reviewing, I actually hadn't used before, and I was excited to set my eyes on a new product! I reviewed Solve  It  3rd Problem Solving Strategies. When first looking through the book, it looks very familiar to what I am used to seeing!! I have loved Aims, because my children are very hands on type children, and Aims is known for this. For wonderful hands on activities to help with the understanding of concepts. Which really is the point of this book! Which is aimed at 3rd graders. However, I was using this with my special needs child. So I would look less at age, and look more at the level of learning your child is currently working.

Solve It 3rd, introduces your child to nine problem solving strategies, and helps them to learn the skill of critical thinking.  My son did very well at grasping these concepts when presented in a way that gave him something to do with the information. He has trouble with abstract thought, so the activities included with Solve It 3rd, really helped to concrete what he was learning. Would you like to see a sample of Solve It 3rd? Click here to find one!

With all of that said, I must say that my favorite NEW feature that AIMS has included, is a CD! Now you can easily print out the pages you are working on! This is great for a myriad of reasons! One, for cutting and gluing, it helps to have the CD to print from! Also, if your child is struggling with a concept, you can use that CD to print out additional copies to allow them to work through it again. Big Bonus in my book!!!  Solve It 3rd has 29 activities and 240 pages.  Solve It 3rd is available for $24.95.

Aims offers many products that would benefit your homeschool for Science and Math and even some tools on how to integrate math and science lessons with literature ! You can check out their website here.

And please, don't forget to stop by the crew blog to see what my crew mates have to say about the AIMS products they reviewed!


**Disclaimer: I received a free copy of Solve It 3rd Problem Solving Strategies for purpose of review. The opinions expressed here are my own, and do not constitute a guarantee. **





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